The quote sources have been updated. Most of the old ones will no longer work because of changes to Yahoo. You can use these updated sources with your existing version of QuoteCat or you can install a new version which includes all the current sources.

To use the new sources with your existing QuoteCat installation you must click on the links below for the sources you want. When prompted, download the file (e.g. qcsdys00.dll) to the folder where you originally installed QuoteCat (e.g. C:\Program Files\QuoteCat). Overwrite the existing files with the same name. Once you have downloaded all the sources you need you must exit QuoteCat and restart it for the new sources to become available.

Delayed quotes for US and some other international exchanges.
Updated November 2002. File size 40K. Download time 20 secs at 33K.

Yahoo ECN
Real time quotes from US ECNs. Also delayed quotes from major exchanges.
Updated November 2002. File size 40K. Download time 20 secs at 33K.

Yahoo UK/Europe
Delayed quotes for UK and many European exchanges.
Updated November 2002. File size 40K. Download time 20 secs at 33K.

Yahoo Singapore/Asia
Delayed quotes for many Asian and Pacific exchanges.
Updated November 2002. File size 40K. Download time 20 secs at 33K.